Meet Joelle

Hi! My name is Joelle. A passionate soul who is in constant awe of the glorious unfolding of life.

What has fulfilled me since a very young age, was connecting with people and listening to their challenges with compassion and empathy, trying to help them the best possible way. 

Since 2012, I embarked on a beautiful journey of self-realization and self-healing, making peace with who I thought I was and discovering a new layer of myself every day. Along the way, I’ve learned and practiced various healing modalities by being a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, a certified Reiki Master, a Ho'oponopono practitioner, a Yoga Nidra facilitator, and a Consciousness guide.


As a Certified Conscious Parent Coach, I dove deeper into the Nervous System Science and regulation, Brain Science, Attachment Theory, Childhood trauma, Re-parenting the self and more. 

Since the work was parent centric, I’ve assisted countless parents on a beautiful transformational journey, changing lives and turning parenting into the fun fulfilling conscious experience it’s meant to be. 

Check out my website and follow me on instagram @joelleraisingconsciousness

What will you acquire after finishing the

7-week program?

1- How to honor your feelings and needs so you acquire a calmer approach to


2- How to pause and observe your thinking & understand your anger when faced with a conflict.

3- How to replace control with connection and empathy. 

4- Understanding how your nervous system plays a major role in your parenting and how to regulate it.

5- How to move from an ownership parenting mindset to a partnership mindset.

6- How to remain calm & control your reactions when your child triggers you.

7- How to raise your and your child’s emotional intelligence to develop a solid

relationship and deal with conflict mindfully.

8- How to move from a victim mindset to a creator of your life.

Making sense of
Attachment Science

Your Attachment Orientation is your system’s way of organizing behavior to meet your need for security and safety.

To show upfor our children and ourselves, we must begin the process of “earning a secure attachment” and mending the patterns of disconnection, distrust, and fear.

Understand your attachment style: Is it insecure avoidant, insecure ambivalent, or insecure disorganized, and how does it play out in your parenting?

Then learn how to earn a secure attachment to yourself and then your child and everyone around you.

Making sense of
Nervous System Science

If we are not in awareness and connection with our autonomic nervous system, specially the cues of our internal physiology, then we cannot

access consciousness, and conscious choice when we are “triggered.” 

Thus we become “at the mercy of our reactivity” and that does not feel good! 

To be “triggered” means that our nervous system is perceiving a signal of threat in our environment, telling our body and brain to prepare to fight or flee! It means that our body and brain are working

together to figure out how to get us to safety as soon as possible! 


As we continue our process through Empowered Parenting, we must confront every parent’s best friend, or rather, worst enemy: Anger.

Most parents struggle with impatience, irritability, and long to be more calm, less reactive, and more peaceful within.

We are here to develop more consistency, self-trust, and dependability in our ability to contain our emotions, especially anger, and how to express it in a nutritive, healing, and healthy manner. 

The 7-week program curriculum

  WEEK 1: Making peace with your parenting past
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 2: Making sense of attachment science
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 3: Making sense of Emotional intelligence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 4: Integrating a new mindset and making sense of nervous system science
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 5: Establishing boundaries based on family values
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 6: Exploring anger
Available in days
days after you enroll
  WEEK 7: Your personal transformation
Available in days
days after you enroll

Start your journey here